3 ways of wearing… a XXXL tee

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3 ways of wearing… a XXXL tee

American Vintage, the French brand known for the softest cotton tops in the world, has edited a special T-Shirt for the Festival of Hyères, a festival they are sponsoring as a partner of the Photo Prize. Surprise, surprise, they haven’t done a second skin tee but a white T-Shirt for hipsters, oversized, with a colorful embroidery drawing in homage to the Jardin Moderne at Villa Noailles designed by the lanscape gardener Gabriel Guevrekian.

At Please, we have imagined 3 cool ways of wearing that soon-to-be collector T-shirt :

The sexy gangsta way, with a skai mini skirt and a cap,


The L.A. hippie way with a long comfy skirt,


The Parisienne way with fitted denim and béret…


And you, how would you wear it ???