Wanda Nylon’s first fashion show

WANDA NYLON SS16-30__©Shoji-Fujii
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Wanda Nylon’s first fashion show

Who knew rainwear could be twisted this much? Vinyl one-piece suits, all-in-one trenchcoats, bondage-inspired bodycon dresses… Wanda Nylon’s first fashion show, after a couple of seasons of presentations, was pretty intense. In the former Elysée Montmartre concert hall, which burned down a couple of years ago, guests were asked to wear fun Wanda-emblazoned hard hats – builder chic! Our favourite parts of the shows? The ace soundtrack (Jackson & His Computer Band), the catwalk return of pretty little Charlotte Free, and designer Johanna Senyk’s victory dance at the end of the show. Good vibes all around! FB